Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Soal Ulangan Umum Semester Ganjil

Soal URAIAN kelas 8
41. Write an invitation letter of your birthday party for your classmate ?
(buat surat undangan Ulang tahun kamu untuk teman sekelas)

42. Change the verbs in the brackets into the past forms !
1. My Uncle (buy) expensive tickets
2. The famous singers (sing) songs beautifully
3. The Children (go) to see a music concert by taxi.
(buat kalimat past tense hanya kalimat positif (+))

43. Make a descriptive text about the “CAT” using the fallowing words as your guide to write it, at least in 3 sentences.
The words : as a pet, cute, funny animal, tame, eat.
( buat 3 kalimat tentang “kucing” dg menggunakan kata-kata diatas )

44. Rearrange the fallowing sentences into a correct paragraph
a. The librarian is standing near the counter
b. They were just returned by the students
c. There are seven students in the library
d. It’s five o’clock in the afternoon
e. She is checking some books
( susun kalimat diatas menjadi paragraph yang baik)

45. Make a sentences from the verbs given use present continues tense
1. Cooking
2. Swimming
( buat kalimat present Cont tense (+)dengan menggunakan kata diatas )

Soal URAIAN kelas 9
41. Put the right verbs in the brackets into simple present tense !
a. Rudi and Joni (run) for two kilometer every Sunday.
b. Dina (practice) English everyday
(buat kalimat dg Simple Present Tense (+))

42. Complete the dialogue using the correct sentences in the box below!
Dewi : Hello is this 0215940668?
Yuda : ……..(1)
Dewi : May I speak to Yuda please ? 
Yuda : ……..(2)
Dewi : This is Dewi, Hey black knight is playing at the citra. Do you want to see it?
Yuda :……..(3) I am going to see it this evening, let’s go
Dewi : Oh I am sory, I can’t go today, anyway. I am going to do my homework. 
: This evening I have complete it.
Yuda : How abaut tomorrow?
Dewi : ……..(4) well see you then
Yuda : ……..(5)

a. Yuda speaking
b. Yes , it is
c. Yes, I know
d. Ok, good bye
e. Tomorrow, is  fine
( Lengkapi dialog diatas dg kata-kata dalam kotak)

43. Arrange the fallowing words to make good sentences
a. Everyday – English – study – You
b. Sometimes – I – Cinema – to – go – the
(Susun kata menjadi kalimat yang benar)

44. Make the sentences with these words
a. Make
b. Like
(buat kalimat dg kata diatas)

45. Arrange the sentences into a good text !
a. Say “thank you” and “good bye” to end speaking
b. Say the important thing you need
c. Take the telephone holder
d. Wait until some one speaking
e. Dial the numbers you need to call
(Susun kalimat tsb menjadi paragraph yang benar)


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