Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012


Hasil Mid Semester Ganjil Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Pelajaran 2012-2013

Kelas  8A
1. Fatimah (80)
2. Iis Sulistilawati (70)
3. Siska Andriyani , Vini Astuti (55)

Kelas 8B
1. Fathonah Widyawati,Tyas Ega T (60)
2. Sonia Sintani (50)
3. Ilham Saputra (45)

Kelas 8C
1. Nurul Azizah,Rio Anggara (60)
2. Yuli (50)
3. Alfianto Hidayat,Ida Ayuni,Saeful Anwar,Tria Nurhafifah(45)

Kelas 8D
1. Bagus Prayoga Filanata (70)
2. M Lutfi Fauzan,Yuli Astuti (55)
3. Deni Rismawati,Siti Khodijah,Siti Nurhayati(50)

Kelas 8E
1. M Faqih Husairi (75)
2. M Zeini Sakti H (65)
3. Fiusaka Bhetakarosie (50)

Kelas 9A
1. M Yusuf (95)
2. Neneng Novianti,Nurvica Komalasari (90)
3. Eka Lestari, Ike Alamaeda R, Nurlita Septiana (80)

Kelas 9B
1. Rike Marlyana (95)
2. Melinda Ayu L, Nita Aulia (90)
3. Fitria Kusama D, Dea Nuranzani PS, St Karmila, Sri Wulandari, Suhadevi A, (85)

Kelas 9C
1. Refrilia Herwandi (95)
2. Ishak Herwandi C, Iva Rosita, Lisma D, (90)
3. Lia Aprilliani, Rahayu Rahma D, Rizky Ayuni A, (85)

Kelas 9D
1. Setyawati (80)
2. Ita Novita, Nurhayani, Reza Suci R, Friska Ferawati (75)
3. Fitriyani B, Herlina F, Mimin J, Nopia S, Nurkomala S, St Munajah S (70 )

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Simple Future Tense

1. Digunakan
Bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi dimasa yang akan datang

2. Penggunaan
2.1. Penggunaan Will/Shall
Digunakan untuk suatu rencana tindakan yang baru saja terpikirkan/belum direncanakan/spontanitas saat berbicara dan juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ramalan yang akan terjadi berdasarkan perhitungan atau perasaan (belum tentu kepastianya)
2.2. Penggunaan to be going to
Untuk menyatakan suatu rencana tindakan yang telah dibuat jauh-jauh sebelum berbicara, dan juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu prediksi berdasarkan tanda-tanda saat ini (kemungkinan besar pasti terjadi)

3. Pola Kalimat
3.1. Kalimat Verbal (will/shall)
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  will/shall + Verb 1 + Object        
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  will not/shall not + Verb 1 + Object
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Will/shall + Subject  + Verb 1 + Object
3.2. Contoh Kalimat  Verbal (will/shall)
I (go) to school tomorrow  
(+) I will go to school tomorrow
(-)  I will not go to school tomorrow
(?) Will I go to school tomorrow ?
3.3. Kalimat Verbal ( to be going to )
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject + am/is/are + going to + Verb 1 + Object          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  am/is/are + not + going to + Verb 1 + Object
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Am/is/are + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object
3.4. Contoh Kalimat Verbal ( to be going to )
You (watch) a movie tomorrow
( + ) You are going to watch a movie tomorrow
( - )  You are not going to watch a movie tomorrow
(? )  Are you going to watch a movie tomorrow?
3.5. Kalimat Non Verbal (will/shall)
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  will/shall  + be + Compliment          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  will not/shall not + be + Compliment
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Will/shall + Subject  + be + Compliment ?
3.6. Contoh Kalimat Non Verbal (will/shall )
We (be) at school on Thursday
( + ) We will be at school on Thursday
( - ) We will not be at school on Thursday
( ? ) Will We be at school on Thursday?
3.7. Kalimat Non Verbal (to be going to )
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject + am/is/are + going to + be + Compliment          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  am/is/are + not + going to + be + Compliment
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Am/is/are + Subject + going to + be + Compliment ?
3.8. Contoh Kalimat Non Verbal ( to be going to )
They (be) in the village next month
( + ) They are going to be in the village next month
( - )  They are not going to be in the village next month
( ? )  Are they going to be in the village next month ?

4. Time Signal/Keterangan Waktu
Tomorrow = besok
Next Friday = jumat depan
On Friday = pada hari jumat
Tomorrow morning = besok pagi
Tomorrow evening = besok sore
At noon tomorrow = besok siang

Past Perfect Tense

1. Digunakan
Bentuk waktu yang dipakai untuk menyatakan/menjelaskan adanya kejadian atau perbuatan yang sudah selesai dikerjakan dimasa lampau dan tidak ada hubungan di masa sekarang.

2. Pola Kalimat
2.1. Kalimat Verbal
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  had + Verb3 + object          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  had not + Verb3 + object
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Had + Subject + Verb3  + Object ?

2.2. Contoh Kalimat  Verbal
I already(eat)before you offered me lunch
(+) I had already eaten before you offered lunch
(-)  I had not already eaten before you offered lunch
(?) Had I already eaten before you offered lunch ?

2.3. Kalimat Non Verbal
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  had + been  +  Compliment                                                                                                       ( (- ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  had not + been  +  Compliment                                                                                                         ( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Had + Subject   + been + Compliment ?

2.4. Contoh Kalimat Non Verbal
It (be) mine  for nine years before the cat run away
(+) It had been mine for nine years the cat run away
(- ) It had not been mine for nine years the cat run away
(?)  had it been mine for nine years the cat run away?

2.5. Time Signal/Keterangan Waktu
Past perfect . . . .  before (sebelum) . . . . past tense
Past Tense . . . . after (setelah ) . . . . past perfect
Past Tense . . . . as soon as (secepatnya). . . . past perfect
Past Tense . . . . until (hingga) . . . . past perfect

Past Continuous Tense

1. Digunakan
Bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa    lampau ketika kejadian yang lain terjadi.

2. Pola Kalimat
2.1. Kalimat Verbal
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  was/were + V-ing + object            
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  was not/were not + V-ing + object
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Was/were + Subject + V- ing + Object ?

2.2. Contoh Kalimat 
She (study) English at home when I came 
(+) She was studying English when I came 
(-)  She was not studying English when I came
(?) Was she studying English when I came
They (play) badminton when I came
(+) They were playing badminton when I came
(-)  They were not playing badminton when I came
(?) Were they playing badminton when I came ?

2.3 Time Signal /Keterangan Waktu
…….when…………. = ketika
………..as………….. = ketika
………..while……… = selagi,ketika

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Soal Mid Semester Ganjil MTs Al HIkmah,Curug

English 8
I. Make the sentences below into Positive Simple Present Tense
1. Anton (push) a door strongly.
2. I always (take) a bath a twice a day.

II. Make the sentences below into Negative Simple Present Tense
3. The butterflies (have) nice colors
4. My mother ( make ) Fried rice for me every morning

III. Make the sentences below into Interrogative Simple Present Tense
5. I and My family (like) to go the beach in holiday
6. The sun (rise) in the east

IV. Make these Active sentences below into Passive sentences
7. My mother cooks Fried chicken in the morning
8. They study Mathematics every Saturday

V. Complete the dialog with the suitable expressions in the box
a. Good morning
b. What’s the matter
c. In my opinion
d. Great idea
e. Do you feel like going to the zoo.

Ria : ……………………………...(9) , Sari
Sari : Good morning , Ria
Ria : Do you have any time today
Sari : I do……………………….....(10)?
Ria : ……………………………....(11)
Sari : ………………………………(12) I like it because I like to observe animals
Ria : Really?
Sari : Yes……(13)observing animals is very interesting. You’ll see alter.
: By the way what time should we go ?
Ria : at 9 o’clock
Sari : All right See you then

English 9
A Police Officer
Fred is a young police officer. He is twenty five years old and he is single. He is from Perth. He starts working at 7 a.m. He usually controls the traffic in front of the Randwick Junior high school. He helps student cross the street. After school starts, he goes back to his office. He loves his job as a police officer.
I. Questions No 1 to 10
1. What does he do after the school start ?
a. He goes back to his office c. He doesn’t go back to his office
b. She goes back to his office d. He goes back to her office
2. Who is Fred?
a. A young designer c. A young police woman
b. A special person d. A young police office.
3. How old is he ?
a. Twenty five years c. Twenty two years
b. Twenty four years d. Twenty six years
4. Where does he come from ?
a. Palembang c. Pakistan
b. Perth d. Poso
5. What does he do in front of the Ranwick Junior High School?
a. Controls the house c. Controls the traffic
b. Controls the school d. Controls the office
6. Does he like his job ?
a. Yes, he does c. Yes, he did
b. Yes, he don’t d. Yes, he do
7. When does he start working
a. At 7 p.m c. At 7.30 a.m
b. At 8 a.m d. At 7 a.m
8. What does he do  for Randwick Junior High School student ?
a. He helps them cross the street c. He helps them cause the street
b. He helps them crown the street d. He helps them come the street
9. Does he still single ?
a. Yes, he do c. Yes, he did
b. Yes, he don’t d. Yes, he does
10. What is the name of school ?
a. Randwick Junior High School c. Randwork Junior High School
b. Randwise Junior High School d. Randuse Junior High School
II. Make the sentences below into Positive Simple Present Tense
11. Anton (work) at the hospital everyday
12. I always (take) a bath a twice a day.
III. Make the sentences below into Negative Simple Present Tense
13. The butterflies (have) nice colors
14. My mother ( make ) Fried chicken for me every morning
IV. Make the sentences below into Interrogative Simple Present Tense
15. I and My family (swim) to go the beach in holiday.
V. Arrange these sentences into good order
16. Dolls – she – likes – better than – toys
17. Reading – I – prefer – writing – to