Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9

1. Complete the following dialogue by using expression of certainty
    Fadli    : I haven’t slept well lately. I don’t know why
    Cinta    : Don’t worry if you’re  the kind of person that doesn’t sleep easly.
        : First, don’t think too much.
        : Then, drink a glass of hot milk before sleeping.
        : You will sleep really well.
    Fadli    : …… about it
    Cinta    : ………

2. Arrange the fallowing words to make good sentence !
    A. Meet – the library – 3 PM – in front of – please – at  - me
    B. Our – of – country -  keep – the cleanliness.

3. Make a short message based on the situation given
    Situation : Tell your friend to meet you tomorrow at 2 PM at a cafĂ©.

4. Use the words in the right column to fill in the blanks the text,

Every time we . . . . . (1) information with other people. To do so, We have a very useful . . . . . (2) of communication, that is . . . . .(3) To give information to great number of people in different places we use . . . . .(4) like radio, television, and newspaper. We . . . . .(5) the radio, We. . . .(6) television and We . . . . .(7) newspaper or magazines. . . . . .(8) and . . . . .(9) are other ways of sending . . . . (10) or information    •    Telephone
•    Read
•    Exchange
•    Watch
•    Listen to
•    Message
•    Language
•    Telegraph
•    Means
•    Mass Media
5. Arrange these sentences to explain how to operate TV set,
    1. Watch and enjoy the program
    2. Press the power button
    3. Choose the best program you want to watch
    4. First , plug the cable into an electric outlet
    5. Adjust the Volume

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013


Peringkat 1,2 dan 3 setiap Kelas

Senin, 01 April 2013


Hasil Mid Semester Genap

Kelas 8B

1. Abiyyu  MW (62)
2. Citra Putri Y (64)
3. Eli Ernawati (73)
4. Fathonah W (64)
5. Fiqri Maulidan J (62)
6. Hernawati  (66)
7. Ilham S          (87)
8. Juandita A (70)
9. M Kusni         (76)
10. Robeatul A (64)
11. Sonia A         (68)
12. Tyas Ega         (73)
13. Ulfa W (61)
14. Yoshy Imelda (67)
15. Malasari         (76)

Kelas 8C

1. Alfianto H         (67)
2. Deni Wahyudn         (83)
3. Ida Ayuni         (61)
4. M Irfan F         (83)
5. Rio Anggara (69)
6. Saeful Anwar (61)
7. St Jihan E         (70)
8. Sridiah N (62)
9. Yuli         (78)

Kelas 8D

1. Bagus P         (74)
2. Firda Julianti (70)
3. M Luthfi F (64)
4. Vina Amelia (76)
5. Windi Nur A R         (72)
6. Yuli Astuti         (94)
7. Nurul Fitriah (89)

Kelas 8E

1. Abdul Fajar (61)
2. Ainayah Alfatiha (67)
3. Aura Ditya S (67)
4. Ayu Andriani (67)
5. Dikhen Arrohma H (62)
6. Fiusaka B         (64)
7. Hilda K         (62)
8. Indah Ambarwati (65)
9. Juhardi (61)
10. M Syafei         (75)
11. M Fadli Ibrahim (66)
12. Naizah (64)
13. Nurul Aqsho M (64)
14. Sultan Niki A (60)
15. Ani Nur Halijah         (60)
16. Nisrina Julfa R         (73)

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Soal Ulangan MID GENAP

1. …..are there ? There are seven pencils.
a. Who c. When
b. What d. How .

2. … you live ? I live in Cisereh street.
a. Where c. What
b. Who        d. When

3. ….. do you love me? Because You are clever
a. Why c. What
b. Who d. When

4. I… a policemen.
a. Am c. is
b. Are d. too

5. She . . . a student
a. Am c. is
b. Are d. why

6. We . . . badminton players
a. Am c. are
b. Is d. too

7. They . . . shopkeepers
a. Is c. are
b. Am         d. too

8. My mother and I . . . going to market
a. Are c. is
b. Am         d. too

9. Martha and Tedy . . .  going to movie
a. Are c. too
b. Am         d. is

10. He . . . a teacher
a. Am c. is
b. Are d. too

11. I and you . . . studying together
a. Are c. is
b. Too d. am

12. You . . . sleeping on the sofa
a. Are not c. is not
b. Am not d. they

13. What . . . you studying ?
a. Is c. am
b. Are         d. not

14. Where do . . . live ?
a. You c. is
b. Are d. am

15. Who . . . your teacher ?
a. Are c. is
b. You d. am

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

UAM English Score

Nilai UAM Bahasa Inggris 2013

Ruang Satu
NO Peserta : Nilai Asli
08.384.001 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.002 : Tujuh koma dua nol
08.384.003 : Tiga koma empat nol
08.384.004 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.005 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.006 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.007 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.008 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.009 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.010 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.011 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.012 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.013 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.014 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.015 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.016 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.017 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.018 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.019 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.020 : Empat koma delapan nol

Ruang Dua

08.384.021 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.022 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.023 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.024 : Enam koma empat nol
08.384.025 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.026 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.027 : Tiga koma delapan nol
08.384.028 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.029 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.030 : Tiga koma delapan nol
08.384.031 : Empat koma dua nol
08.384.032 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.033 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.034 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.035 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.036 : Tujuh koma dua nol
08.384.037 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.038 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.039 : Enam koma empat nol
08.384.040 : Empat koma enam nol

Ruang Tiga

08.384.041 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.042 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.043 : Empat koma dua nol
08.384.044 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.045 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.046 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.047 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.048 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.049 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.050 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.051 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.052 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.053 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.054 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.055 : Empat koma nol nol
08.384.056 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.057 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.058 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.059 : Tujuh koma dua nol
08.384.060 : Lima koma delapan nol

Ruang Empat

08.384.061 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.062 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.063 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.064 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.065 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.066 : Tujuh koma enam nol
08.384.067 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.068 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.069 : Enam koma delapan nol
08.384.070 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.071 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.072 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.073 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.074 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.075 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.076 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.077 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.078 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.079 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.080 : Lima koma enam nol

Ruang Lima

08.384.081 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.082 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.083 : Empat koma enam nol
08.384.084 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.085 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.086 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.087 : Empat koma dua nol
08.384.088 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.089 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.090 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.091 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.092 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.093 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.094 : Tujuh koma nol nol
08.384.095 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.096 : Enam koma enam nol
08.384.097 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.098 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.099 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.100 : Lima koma empat nol

Ruang Enam

08.384.101 : Tiga koma delapan nol
08.384.102 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.103 : Tiga koma enam nol
08.384.104 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.105 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.106 : Enam koma enam nol
08.384.107 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.108 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.109 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.110 : Empat koma nol nol
08.384.111 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.112 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.113 : Lima koma empat nol
08.384.114 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.115 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.116 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.117 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.118 : Tujuh koma empat nol
08.384.119 : Enam koma delapan nol
08.384.120 : Enam koma delapan nol

Ruang Tujuh

08.384.121 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.122 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.123 : Tujuh koma empat nol
08.384.124 : Empat koma delapan nol
08.384.125 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.126 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.127 : Enam koma empat nol
08.384.128 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.129 : Enam koma empat nol
08.384.130 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.131 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.132 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.133 : Enam koma enam nol
08.384.134 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.135 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.136 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.137 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.138 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.139 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.140 : Lima koma dua nol

Ruang Delapan

08.384.141 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.142 : Enam koma enam nol
08.384.143 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.144 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.145 : Enam koma enam nol
08.384.146 : Lima koma dua nol
08.384.147 : Lima koma enam nol
08.384.148 : Lima koma nol nol
08.384.149 : Empat koma empat nol
08.384.150 : Enam koma dua nol
08.384.151 : Enam koma enam nol
08.384.152 : Lima koma delapan nol
08.384.153 : Enam koma nol nol
08.384.154 : Enam koma nol nol

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Tugas Remedial Semeter Ganjil 2012-2013

Cibodas Botanic Garden
Cibodas Botanic Garden is situated 1300 – 1425 Meter  high on the slopes of Mount Gede – Pangrango. It contains beautiful mountain scenery with impressive views across the Cipanas valley of West Java.
  The Garden covers about 125ha of way surface area, with large grassy expanses, rocky coniferous area and valleys filled with tree ferns and waterfalls. Cibodas Botanic Garden is a popular recreational center for the Greater Jakarta area as well as a research station for students and scientists studying tropical mountain  flora.
The Garden currently maintains a collection of 5831 living specimens from 1206 species. It also maintains a herbarium and seed museum for research , development and conservation purposes. The 4521 herbarium specimen from 1503 species consists of those collected from the Garden and from the Gede Pangrango National Park which is annexed to the Garden. The 649 species in the seed museum are used as a reference for seed identification. 
Facilities such as a guest house, library and nursery are available for scientists, research workers and students who wish to study the Garden and the Mountain Gede Pangrango.