Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Simple Future Tense

1. Digunakan
Bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi dimasa yang akan datang

2. Penggunaan
2.1. Penggunaan Will/Shall
Digunakan untuk suatu rencana tindakan yang baru saja terpikirkan/belum direncanakan/spontanitas saat berbicara dan juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ramalan yang akan terjadi berdasarkan perhitungan atau perasaan (belum tentu kepastianya)
2.2. Penggunaan to be going to
Untuk menyatakan suatu rencana tindakan yang telah dibuat jauh-jauh sebelum berbicara, dan juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu prediksi berdasarkan tanda-tanda saat ini (kemungkinan besar pasti terjadi)

3. Pola Kalimat
3.1. Kalimat Verbal (will/shall)
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  will/shall + Verb 1 + Object        
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  will not/shall not + Verb 1 + Object
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Will/shall + Subject  + Verb 1 + Object
3.2. Contoh Kalimat  Verbal (will/shall)
I (go) to school tomorrow  
(+) I will go to school tomorrow
(-)  I will not go to school tomorrow
(?) Will I go to school tomorrow ?
3.3. Kalimat Verbal ( to be going to )
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject + am/is/are + going to + Verb 1 + Object          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  am/is/are + not + going to + Verb 1 + Object
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Am/is/are + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object
3.4. Contoh Kalimat Verbal ( to be going to )
You (watch) a movie tomorrow
( + ) You are going to watch a movie tomorrow
( - )  You are not going to watch a movie tomorrow
(? )  Are you going to watch a movie tomorrow?
3.5. Kalimat Non Verbal (will/shall)
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject +  will/shall  + be + Compliment          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  will not/shall not + be + Compliment
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Will/shall + Subject  + be + Compliment ?
3.6. Contoh Kalimat Non Verbal (will/shall )
We (be) at school on Thursday
( + ) We will be at school on Thursday
( - ) We will not be at school on Thursday
( ? ) Will We be at school on Thursday?
3.7. Kalimat Non Verbal (to be going to )
(+) Positive Sentences
Subject + am/is/are + going to + be + Compliment          
( - ) Negative Sentences
Subject +  am/is/are + not + going to + be + Compliment
( ? ) Interrogative Sentences
Am/is/are + Subject + going to + be + Compliment ?
3.8. Contoh Kalimat Non Verbal ( to be going to )
They (be) in the village next month
( + ) They are going to be in the village next month
( - )  They are not going to be in the village next month
( ? )  Are they going to be in the village next month ?

4. Time Signal/Keterangan Waktu
Tomorrow = besok
Next Friday = jumat depan
On Friday = pada hari jumat
Tomorrow morning = besok pagi
Tomorrow evening = besok sore
At noon tomorrow = besok siang

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