Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9

1. Complete the following dialogue by using expression of certainty
    Fadli    : I haven’t slept well lately. I don’t know why
    Cinta    : Don’t worry if you’re  the kind of person that doesn’t sleep easly.
        : First, don’t think too much.
        : Then, drink a glass of hot milk before sleeping.
        : You will sleep really well.
    Fadli    : …… about it
    Cinta    : ………

2. Arrange the fallowing words to make good sentence !
    A. Meet – the library – 3 PM – in front of – please – at  - me
    B. Our – of – country -  keep – the cleanliness.

3. Make a short message based on the situation given
    Situation : Tell your friend to meet you tomorrow at 2 PM at a cafĂ©.

4. Use the words in the right column to fill in the blanks the text,

Every time we . . . . . (1) information with other people. To do so, We have a very useful . . . . . (2) of communication, that is . . . . .(3) To give information to great number of people in different places we use . . . . .(4) like radio, television, and newspaper. We . . . . .(5) the radio, We. . . .(6) television and We . . . . .(7) newspaper or magazines. . . . . .(8) and . . . . .(9) are other ways of sending . . . . (10) or information    •    Telephone
•    Read
•    Exchange
•    Watch
•    Listen to
•    Message
•    Language
•    Telegraph
•    Means
•    Mass Media
5. Arrange these sentences to explain how to operate TV set,
    1. Watch and enjoy the program
    2. Press the power button
    3. Choose the best program you want to watch
    4. First , plug the cable into an electric outlet
    5. Adjust the Volume